New Updated Game Bans In Pubg Mobile

New Updated Game Bans In Pubg Mobile:-

Pubg Mobile New Update, Pubg Mobile New Update in hindi
Pubg Mobile

While streaming gameplay during a tournament, a team Fabled was waiting for the match to start and using the in-game feature to attempt to draw swastikas on the map. These actions were being record by Team Fabled team member Twitch-Evasionyx The subsequent actions were verified through posts made by Twitch in a reddit post.

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New rules that you have to avoid:-

As per Pubg Mobile Rules, this type of behavior is considered in Section 5(4) and subject to punishment in Section 6. 

1) Penalty Criteria is used to protect the customer’s enjoyment while playing the game.

2) If your violation attempt goes over the final attempt listed in the table below, permanent ban applies. 

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3) If you violate any of the criteria listed in the table below and your ID is listed in the top 10 of the PUBG Mobile, So your ID will be temporarily or permanently removed from the PUBG Mobile.

Please gays enjoy the game right way, Otherwise your ID may be closed for a long time and your all hard work will go lost.

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